Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Last week US Carlyle Capital collapsed! Now Bear Stearns! Is it a BEAR trend?

If Hedge Fund can bring down Bear Stearns to worth merely current US$2per share (highest was US$ 170) or $261 millions, why not other financial institutions? Look like Wall Street is turning into a graveyard zone soon!

Fed is doing his best to keep the credit crisis from declining with a series of Rate Cut or concerted Central Bank $$ injection to stem the current financial turmoil.

Will rate cut and $ injection able to steer fear among investors worldwide about other banks' similar exposure to the troubled credit markets?

Financial Storm has led investors to look into alternatives and pushed up :
1. GOLD - to the HIGHEST above US$1000
2. Crude Oil - above $100 (hedge against falling US$)

Tomorrow morning (19/3/08) will like to see FED Rate Cut again. The millionaire $$ question is how much? 0.25%, 0.5% or even 1%?

My view is that regardless what level of rate cut... BEAR WILL stage a Technical Rebound in response to it. However these rebounds may not be sustainable when subsequently when oversold stocks start to fully price-in rate-cut factor.

Remember CASH is KING now especially in BEAR MARKET.

Looking forward, avoid LONG in stock. Instead trade in Index CFD which profit could be obtain in both way.

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